Learning together makes the impossible possible...
“Organizations learn only through individuals who learn.”
– Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline
Learning conversations are based on the premise that everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to share. Learning conversations encourage all stakeholders to speak, listen, and participate as partners. The learning experience creates outcomes people and organizations care about: trusted relationships, problem solving, innovative thinking, efficient decision making and individual value.
All Sophia programs and service offerings are built on this model.
The primary objective of a learning conversation is to learn as an individual or group about a subject area, develop deeper understanding and use what is learned in the “real” world.
What differentiates a Sophia learning conversation from a “traditional” workshop is the attention paid to creating a learning experience where people develop a greater level of awareness about themselves and develop their own ways to apply the learning.
Here are some of the ways we have worked with others …
Sophia learning conversations are not “one size fits all” or even one size fits most. We recognize that individuals need different kinds of learning, leadership, and professional development opportunities. And, those opportunities need to be aligned with other personal and organizational strategies. We look at all learning conversations through a systemic, transformative lens – with a goal to make relationships, conversations and systems better.
Pricing for learning conversations is dependent upon the following: