Leadership Workshops are in partnership with Fond du Lac Area Businesses on Health, otherwise known as FABOH. Each leadership training workshop features a different topic and speaker to support employee engagement.
This series will provide quarterly training opportunities for all FABOH member employees but is aimed specifically at supervisors, managers, directors, or any other employees who currently lead others within their organization or aspire to in the future.
In this workshop participants will gain exposure to the Four Core Skills of Emotional Intelligence. Prior to the session, each participant will complete an on-line assessment found in the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 for review during the workshop.
Desired Outcomes for this workshop include:
Speaker: Cristi Burrill, Organizational and Talent Development Leader at Oshkosh Corporation
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Time: 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Location: Marian University – Stayer Center
Pre-registration is required. FABOH members can attend the workshop for free. For non-members, the individual workshop is $60/participant.
To register, email Tammy Stephany at office@faboh.com and include the following information:
Upon receipt of your request, a confirmation email will be sent to confirm your registration.
Email: office@faboh.com or call: 920.924.3780.
Email: hello@sophiapartners.org or call: 920.375.1488.