Monthly topical leadership conversations on the3rd Friday of the month. People have told us that these sessions strengthen their leadership skills and, more importantly, give them the energy and ideas that they can use personally and thrive in their leadership roles. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 813 407 257 One tap mobile +16465588656,,813407257# US […]
Monthly topical leadership conversations on the 4th Tuesday of the month. People have told us that these sessions strengthen their leadership skills and, more importantly, give them the energy and ideas that they can use personally and thrive in their leadership roles. To RSVP visit: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 946 378 […]
April Learning Conversation: Servant Leadership & Conflict Resolution It doesn’t matter if people are working in the same physical space or online, misunderstandings, unmet expectations, and conflicts between co-workers exist on teams and in workplaces - EVERYWHERE. There is a solution...crucial conversations! Our learning and conversation this month will focus on what servant leaders […]