This program will give you the tools, techniques and experiences you need to help others perform better than ever before.
For your own development, you’ll learn how to:
You’ll learn how to coach others to:
Uncovering your top strengths as a leader is important. Putting your unique combination of strengths to work is even more important.
Gallup® Global Strengths coaching is:
Versatile: Virtual and telephone coaching can take place anywhere.
Individualized: Coaching conversations will be catered to your own individual strengths and developmental needs.
Proven: Gallup’s unique and research-based approach to talent discovery and development.
The CliftonStrengths® 34 Assessment results and reports help you discover what you naturally do best through customized reports with action items. People who know and use their strengths every day are 6 times more likely to be engaged in their job. This strengths-based leadership philosophy builds on what people already do well, instead of focusing on their weaknesses.
Research shows that people who know their strengths and use CliftonStrengths® are:
In 1998, the Father of Strengths Psychology, Don Clifton (1924-2003) created the original StrengthsFinder assessment and its 34 talent themes with the goal of starting a global conversation about what’s right with people.
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